Are we at the point in the story where I join your adventure?

A picture of me in the background (blonde withe brown and blue glasses), holding a puppy on my lap (in the foreground). The puppy is a six week old, deep apricot cockapoo with a black nose and curly hair.

You’ve checked out my website. Maybe you even clicked the links in my portfolio. You like what you’ve seen. So, what’s your next step?

A free consultation so we can discuss your project. Click the link below or scroll down.

Snuggles is always ready for an adventure!

Not quite there yet? Need to explore some more? Still have questions?

That’s okay! I’m here to help.

Feel free to reach out to me directly by email for any questions or concerns at

Please allow 48 hours for a response.


You’re ready to go, so it’s time for that next step! The form below is the first step to a bright new chapter in your story. The information you provide will help me better understand your project and how best to move forward on it. Be as thorough and detailed as possible.